Presidential Apeman?

Presidential Apeman?

During the first 2007 Republican presidential primary debate, an important question was asked from the moderator to the ten candidates.  The question was, "Do you believe in evolution?"  Amazingly, only three out of the ten said they did NOT believe in evolution.
Why is this shocking?  Think about the logic.  If humans have evolved from primates and in essence we are merely advanced hairless apes, then our societies are formed by the power and will of the more powerful hairless apes.  Laws are instituted at the whim of the more powerful hairless apes and imposed on the weaker.  Then there is no divine mandate in society.  If this is the case, we ought not blame the weaker hairless apes when they attempt to circumvent the dominance of the more powerful; be it when the weaker attempt to procure resources via theft or when the weaker attempt to actually overthrow the more powerful.  Such actions would in fact be laudable under such oppression.
If our next president really thinks he or she is merely an advanced form of hairless ape, I have no desire to submit myself to that authority.  I am not living on a planet of the apes but rather on the planet created by God in heaven.
Granted, some people may claim that there is such thing as "theistic evolution" or "micro evolution" and perhaps that is the kind the candidates were affirming.  Even if we allow for that, it still speaks of two negatives for these candidates.  1) They are in the habit of answering incomplete or malformed premises -- like if someone asked them if they had stopped beating their wives and demanded only a yes or no response.  2) They still have a hands-off God who appears to have left the patients to run the asylum.
These politicians frighten me as much as any madman that might run for political office.
If we are merely a planet of weaker apes being dominated by stronger apes, who then is the more foolish? The hairless apes that are allowing & supporting this oppression or the ones that try to circumvent & overthrow the domination?
To see the segment of the debate video where this question was asked, follow this link:


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