The markets are now well and truly broken...because they are no longer sending useful price signals. Instead, the markets are now just a giant and rigged casino, where a relative handful of big firms and other tightly coupled players are gaming their orders to take advantage of this flood of money.The Fed is most likely on track to increase its balance sheet by another $3-4 trillion. Ugh. That's 300% to 400% more money created in the next year than was created than during the entire 200 years following the signing of the Declaration of Independence... the rise of inflation will signal the beginning of the end of this slow-motion tragedy.http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/80251/qe-4-folks-aint-normal  POSITIVE OUTLOOK FOR GOLDPeter Fertig, analyst with Quantitative Commodity Research in London, said he believed the fiscal cliff will be avoided "at the last minute" and gold will benefit from that.Dailey of TEAM Financial said gold is likely to turn into a safe-haven again next year as the United States appeared on course to another credit rating downgrade after Standard & Poors cut the country's "AAA" rating to "AA" in Aug 2011."None of the budget proposals being put forward now is bringing the U.S. any closer to fulfilling the requirements of the credit rating agencies; so another downgrade is almost certain even if we get past the fiscal cliff, and that should be good for gold," Dailey said.http://www.cnbc.com/id/100337561   Weekend Financial Report Radio link to the latest Worldview Weekend Financial Report with Sr Portfolio Adviser Michael Weiner. http://www.worldviewweekend.com/radio/95322 Contact Michael Weiner or Wes Peters at Swiss America for a free phone consultation. 877-864-1072 


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