The Question of the Day

The Question of the Day
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It has been said that no President has affected people like Barack Obama.  During his campaign (and now his presidency) he has been hailed as a new hope for this nation; he's been labeled as a champion of change; a superhero of sorts – the One.  Some have even gone as far to call him the "Messiah."  And he has also been referred to as "The President to the World."  However, it now seems that his sphere of influence is no longer restricted to the physical realm.  Obama has not only touched the hearts of people throughout this nation, he has also invaded their very souls.  And the question of today is, "Is Obama in you?"
Recently, the Detroit Free Press has dared to ask that very question, "Is Obama in you?" And if so, "What part of Obama is in you?"  Evidently, calling Obama the "Messiah" wasn't enough.  Now, all people have become Obama and Obama has become all people.  And now you have the ability to see Obama in yourself – "You are Obama and Obama is you!"  It seems that Obama has reached the status of icon.  It is only a matter of time before his image is placed above every mantle and prayers said in his name at the dinner tables of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America.  And don't think that it can't happen.  Just ask those who lived through Nazi Germany.   
I am under the belief that we are truly reaching the final days before the Return of Messiah.  I truly believe that we are in the days that Messiah spoke of and the apostle Paul described.  We have gone beyond the "Last Days" and into the "End of Days" (acharit hayamim); the days just before Messiah's (the Real Messiah) Return. 
The Last Days began with the ascension of Messiah Yeshua; and the Hope of His Return had begun; "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Yeshua, who has been taken up from you into Heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into Heaven" – Acts 1:11 (NASB).  The Bible is very clear concerning what is to take place during the End of Days leading up to Messiah's Return.  And I believe that they are taking place right before our very eyes.
Along with all of the wars, rumors of wars, famines and pestilence that are currently taking place in this world we mustn't forget "The Great Falling Away;" also called "The Great Apostasy" that will also come (which in my opinion is already here) before Messiah Returns.   Nor, can we neglect the great one world religious system that the world will embrace under the man of lawlessness, which I believe is secular humanism.  I am not quite sold on the idea that "traditional" cults are the greatest threat to the body of Messiah.  Instead I believe it is secular humanism that will ultimately invade the Body and lead many astray;  "For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy" – 2 Timothy 3:2. 
Although, I secular humanism is the greatest threat to the Body, it is not that much different from the "traditional" cults that plague Christianity today.  Nor is the message any different either.  The main difference between the cults and secular humanism is that one promotes their message Name of G-d, while the other promotes its message in the name of man.  In essence, secular humanism is Satanism. 
How can secular humanism be considered Satanism?  In short, Satanism is not really the worship of Satan, but instead the worship of self; doing that which Satan himself had done (Ezekiel 28:1-19).  And the common message that the traditional cults, such as Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and even the Word of Faith Movement and secular humanism have is; "…you shall be as gods" – Genesis 3:5.  This is the "lie" that was told in the Garden of Eden and it is this same lie that many are falling for today; including many in the Body.
Clearly, all one has to do today is look around and see for themselves that we are living in some very interesting times (to say the least).


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