THE REAL PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
            The key to understanding Ecclesiastes is in the phrase "under the sun."  This little phrase can be the difference of great understanding or great error.  First off it must be stated that Ecclesiastes is a book containing many false proclamations.  These false statements make a whole lot more sense however when one understands that they are made under the auspices of a man not living for God or really even with the idea of God.  This brings us back to the term "under the sun."  In this book it must be understood that this is speaking of life without God.  Every time this phrase is used if one were to substitute "without God" one would find that the book is very clear and addresses the absolute misery that confronts every atheist that actually desires meaning and purpose under the sun without God. 
            Francis Schaeffer makes the case in many of his books that every unbeliever lives a life inconsistent with their own beliefs.  This is based on the premise that the bible is indeed true and the further assumption that any idea that contradicts the Biblical one would be in fact fiction.  This means that every belief held by the unbelieving world that is not Biblical is impossible to live by, at least with any satisfaction.  Solomon, the author of Ecclesiastes deals with this directly.  Without God, knowledge and wisdom bring only misery and success at any thing leaves one with nothing in the end because everyone will die naked and alone, unable to bring anything with them.  This is depressing and it truly is the plight of modern man under the sun.  Ask "why," questions of worldly people and it is no time at all before the idea of meaninglessness is encountered. 
            To understand Ecclesiastes as a believer it is important to remember that this was very likely written at the end of Solomon's life.  This is significant because we know that at the beginning of his life he started off being the wisest of all men and living in the fear of the Lord.  We find out later that he falls because of the influence of his many pagan wives who turned his heart away from the Lord.  After all he did Solomon was not made much of by God in any significant way, unlike his father David.  David was the measuring rod for all future kings, which is ironic being that he was an adulterer and a murderer.  David did have something that Solomon did not have however and it is the reason that he was remembered even though Solomon was a "greater" king…devotion.  David was a man after God's own heart, even as an adulterer and murderer, while Solomon was a man after his own heart even as a great king with peace on all sides.  Solomon should remind every Christian that if the wisest man in history, aside from Jesus, could fall this way due to women what makes us think we will not?    As a Christian we must guard our heart because we too may live our life "under the sun" even though we believe in God.  This could be termed practical atheism and it would encompass the desires of many Christians.  Desiring bigger and better is great until bigger and better is achieved.  It is really at the top when true misery is realized because it is there that one is left to wonder, "is this it?' 
          At the very end of the book Solomon gives us the deepest analysis of where meaning in life comes from.  He says it comes from the judgment of God, or rather life lived in reference to this judgment.  Why is this profound?  Let us illustrate this with the analogy of a soccer game.  If there were no rules or lines or goals or teams or referees than there would be no real meaning to the game.  It is the fixed standards or rules that are imposed that give each team its purpose and gives the game meaning.  It is these very rules that allow people to know how they are doing and how they can improve.  God and His judgments are the same thing for man.  He provides a fixed point of reference for man to live out of.  Man can know what the rules are, how to improve and how he is doing in an absolute sense.  In real life the game, or race using Paul's analogy, is really defined on our ability to properly image God.  Man made in God's image cannot do this.  Every action taken by fallen man is a false statement of God and His person.  Because you are made in God's image everything you do says something about God.  Unfortunately everything you advertise about God says that HE is a liar, a thief, a gossip, a murderer, and a selfish, lazy…human.  Would you keep an advertisement running that constantly insulted you?  Why should God?   The good news is that God sent a correct advertisement of Himself in Jesus Christ.  Jesus perfectly advertised God to all of Creation and paid the price of our false advertisement (sin).   Besides John 1:18 where we read that Jesus is the perfect explanation of God, look at this exchange with Philip:
Philip said to him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us." Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves. (john 14:8-11)
If this is the case what is the judgment that we will face?  How about this?  If your friend were to ask you the question show me Jesus and I will believe, could you respond with the words: "have I been with you so long that you do not see Christ?  If you see me you see Him I am in Him and He is in me."  These words are humbling to me and I am sure to you as well.  This is the race that has been set before us and this is what we are to be about and ultimately this is what brings meaning to our life.  Solomon's words at the end of Ecclesiastes make a lot more sense in light of this.
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
            As Christians living under the Son we must remember that our meaning comes from our relationship to our Creator and Redeemer.  God is ultimately the only fixed point of reference by which one might find meaning.  If God is real than meaning and purpose exist not under the sun but under the SON. 


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