Savings to Protect? Read this!

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Savings to Protect? Read this!
"Crashing The Dollar" Free book offer by Pat Boone
TODAY I am recommending Americans read Crashing the Dollar: How to Survive a Global Currency Collapse, to understand why the U.S. dollar and most other paper currencies are about to turn into ashes. "Crashing the Dollar crackles with the page-turning excitement of a spy novel or murder mystery as it tracks down who is killing the Dollar," says one of scores of rave book reviews To help prepare Worldview Weekend readers for the dollar's demise, I have a very special offer today. Mr. Smith and I want to get a copy of "Crashing the Dollar" into the hands of every American with savings to protect.
Not Sure? Keep reading ....
Today public confidence in the world's 200 paper (fiat) currencies is hanging by a thread. Nearly 8 in 10 people say they don't trust government to solve America's ills. "The world's monetary system is in the process of melting down. We have entered the endgame for the dollar as the dominant reserve currency, but most investors and policy makers are unaware of the implications," reports Bloomberg. Our foreign creditors are exiting U.S. Dollars. Should you do the same? Are other currencies any better? Nations seem willing to sacrifice the value of their currency to prevent a financial meltdown. "Today's escalating currency wars can only end in tears," reports the Singapore Business Times. "The greenback is approaching pre-financial crisis lows and threatening to smash through its all-time low when measured against the world's predominant national currencies," reports CNBC. "Because the Federal Reserve is the central bank of last resort - in the U.S. and worldwide - other countries are now fleeing the dollar due to our unofficial national weak dollar policy. The result will be inflationary spikes both in the U.S., in China and in other countries," writes Mr. Smith in Crashing the Dollar. CONCLUSION: Crashing the Dollar offers ways to renew America's economy and, if we prepare wisely, to save ourselves and our families from the economic death spiral of extreme debt and deficits.
To request your free copy of crashing the dollar call 877-864-1072
or email [email protected] Be sure to mention Worldview Weekend free book offer.


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