That Stuff Won't Fit Through The Narrow Gate

That Stuff Won't Fit Through The Narrow Gate<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Craig Gleason
I recently wrote a song that starts off : 
"Her car has a brag tag, every hair is all in place, she's got a cruel kind of smile wrapped and glued across her face"
It refers to the plates and tags and decals and bumper stickers on cars bragging about a subdivision, college, school or vacation spot. Then the smile refers to plastic surgery. How sad for our culture that successful folks don't have enough class or humility to not have to brag on their achievements.  I'm not just talking about "the world" It's all in the church too. 
I remember many years back when my wife and I were visiting a newer church (now probably the biggest and most famous) in the area. We invited a young pregnant waitress from the Waffle House to go with us. She did. When we arrived, the parking lot was full of Mercedes, BMW's and assorted other status symbols. When we walked in it wasn't unlike a country club.  High dollar suits, dresses with all the latest fashions.
We  sat through the service and at the end we asked her about it.  She said  "I don't belong here, I don't have the right clothes".  We had no answer.  I was ashamed of what the church represented to her.  After much prayer, years of it, I'm suspect now if those places like that are  actually filled with believers. Jesus said "narrow is the gate and path that lead to life and few will find it".  Some will say Lord, Lord, and He will say depart from me I never knew you.  The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Do you think it's possible to find the narrow gate and be on a narrow path with all that stuff. Surely it must get in the way of a clear view of God's righteousness and direction.  Heck, clutter is clutter right? 
And then there are the "Christians" who live in mansions, drive the best cars, and hold no pleasures back from themselves.  Those who know them say, "they are such big givers, they support so many ministries".  I say, "how many more ministries could they support if they stopped with the over indulgence".   It's really not too difficult to understand is it?  Pastor Francis Chan has it right.  Google him and see what he's doing.  I have a video on my website that says it all.  It's the third one down with the basketball player on it.
There is so much we can do if we just pay attention to the scripture and stop with trying to please ourselves.
By the way, the song title is called Money & Stones. 
The chorus says:
One man throws money another man throws stones, one sits on the judgement seat and another sits on a throne
And the sun it still sets and the moon it still glows, while one man throws money and another man throws stones
It means those who waste money on themselves are missing it, and those who judge are equally wrong.   Pray for those who are blind, if they are truly Christians they will hear.


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