Surprising Facts from RE-MAKING MONEY:

Surprising Facts from RE-MAKING MONEY:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
What cost $1 on August 15, 1971 – the day 40 years ago that Nixon removed the dollar's gold anchor and unleashed inflation – in 2011 now costs on average more than $5.65.
Measured in inflation-adjusted dollars, the average American today earns the same income as he or she would have 30 years ago. Inflation has kept the purchasing power of American wages flat for three decades.
Despite $5 Trillion in recent "stimulus spending," America's economic growth for the past two Quarters has averaged an anemic 0.85 percent, within the margin of error of being zero or lower. This means that we may already be in a double-dip Great Recession. New economic research shows that Keynesian "stimulus" doesn't work in modern societies.
The Federal Government now borrows 42 cents of every dollar it spends. The government now borrows $58,000 every second, $3.5 million every minute, $210 Million every hour....24/7.
Twice as many Americans now work for government as work in all of manufacturing combined.
51 percent of adult Americans now pay no income tax, and a 2011 Gallup Poll found that 47 percent of Americans now believe the government should impose more redistribution of income.
45 percent of all American households have at least one person living there who receives some form of regular government check. By the time 84 million baby boomers are retired, more than 60 percent of American households will be receiving regular government checks.
Nearly 40 percent of America's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), comes from federal, state or local government spending.
Since President Barack Obama's January 2009 inauguration, the share of America's GDP taken by the Federal Government has grown by roughly 25 percent – from 19 percent of America's total income to more than 24 percent.
Government, in other words, has effectively grown 25 percent (one-quarter) bigger during just the past two and one half years under President Barack Obama.
The outgoing President of the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City said that America "is no longer a market economy," that our economy is now "crony capitalism" in which companies succeed or fail because of their contributions to politicians.
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