Taking On The Man Known as "Tiller the Killer"!

Phill Kline, as Attorney General of Kansas, filed charges against late-term Abortionist George Tiller on December 21, 2006 that could have led to putting the abortionist behind bars.
On December 21st, 2006, after evidence was reviewed by two judges and probable cause found by both,  Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline filed 30 criminal charges against the most notorious late term abortionist in the nation, George Tiller, known as "Tiller the Killer." Under constant assault by the liberal media and pressure from all sides within the abortion industry, this prolife Champion has carried the ball alone in this legal battle against all odds to simply enforce the law in Kansas. Since this date, the pro-abortion politicians in Kansas have done everything possible to obstruct justice.  This is an urgent battle cry for every true pro-life heart in America today to step into the battle with former Attorney General Kline and help expose this legal and moral outrage which continues to go on in Kansas to protect Mr. George Tiller from being charged with 30 counts of illegal abortion.
Abortionist Tiller was to appear in court five days later (December 26,2006) to answer these criminal charges. If convicted of illegally performing late term abortions (7th to 9th month) under Kansas law, Tiller would have faced tens of thousands of dollars in fines, and possibly years of jail time.
George Tiller
Late Term Abortionist, George "Tiller the Killer"

Worse for the grisly abortion "industry", this case could make abortion centers and abortion doctors answerable to the law.

Sign Petition, "Charge Tiller – It's the Law" by clicking here

Most pro-lifers do not realize the EXTENT to which the pro-abortion network and related forces of evil have ENTRENCHED themselves in the halls of our legislatures, the courts, and the Big Media.
What is playing out in Kansas has happened quietly many times over the last three decades, to the great detriment of women and unborn babies.
Act one: A good man in public office does the job we have all been hoping someone would step forward and do.
Act two: The pro-abortion network rises up and tries to strangle the efforts of the pro-life Champion. The Big Media, usually owned lock, stock and barrel by pro-abortion forces, begins the attack on our point man, while covering up, distorting, and downplaying the facts of the case which these "reporters" know would outrage the public.
Key Point:The abortion industry immediately recognized what they were up against and saw their threat to the bottom line:  loss of money.  They knew that failure to follow child rape reporting laws could cost Planned Parenthood over $275 million dollars yearly in federal funding.  Therefore, as the gutsy and persistent Kline was winning legally in protecting the innocent, Tiller and the abortion lobby turned their focus and all of their resources toward electing 'their boy' Morrison to Attorney General of Kansas so that they could control the situation. Tiller and the Abortion lobby understood that controling the office of the Attorney General and prosecutor held the key to getting all charges dismissed and having the investigation into unreported child rape go away permanantly. (Or so they thought!)
Note on Govenor Kathleen Sebelius:  She is not without culpability in this obstuction of justice.  She is an insult to the voters of Kansas as she chooses to look the other way while the crimes against women and children allegedly committed by George Tiller go un-charged under her watch.  Don't forget that it was at her urging that Paul Morrison switched political parties to run against Phill Kline for Attorney General.  Her public and open disrespect toward Phill Kline reveals her complete lack of personal and political intergrity.
We continue.... 

  • After Attorney General Phill Kline filed criminal charges against abortionist Tiller on December 21, 2006 for performing illegal late term abortions, here's what happened next in the "Charge Tiller" case:
  • In order to save Tiller from having to appear and answer the criminal charges in court, the Sedgewick County district attorney, Nola Foulston, acted in a completely dishonest manner. (Tiller's abortion chamber is in Sedgewick County.)
  • Later on December 21, -- a few hours after Phill Kline filed the charges against Tiller --- Foulston flagged down a Judge Clark in the hallway of the courthouse. Judge Clark, without reviewing any evidence, dismissed the charges. (!!!)
    (This type of treachery happens so often, that it makes one wonder if such judges are bought and paid for, or black-mailed, and therefore respond like little slaves to every whim and wish of the pro-abortion industry.)
    To see all the players in this miscarriage of justice and how they are connected to pro-abortion money, see the article "Follow the Money" by clicking here .)
  • But that does not begin to convey the lack of integrity shown on this issue by Foulston. Early on the very day Kline filed charges, he had gone personally to Nola Foulston's office and shown her the charges, informing her of what he was about to do. Foulston told Kline she would not interfere. And then . . .
    Nora Foulston
    Nora Foulston, sneaky district attorney, willing servant of the abortion killers
  • Behind Attorney General Phill Kline's back, Foulston arranged to have this Judge dismiss the whole case. (And then . . . Surprise! Surprise! Neither Judge Clark nor any other judge could be reached that day to re-instate the charges.)
  • The treachery on Foulston's part could not have been greater. Is Foulston not obstructing justice by helping Tiller evade answering the criminal charges?
  • On December 23rd, World Net Daily columnist Bob Unruh carried this quote from Phil Kline: "I consulted with her prior (to the filing) and she stated she would not object, and I filed the charges."
  • So fast did the pro-abortion network act, that the case against Tiller was dismissed within one hour of the time that the story was put up in red letters on the Drudge Report, which is an internationally renowned website for breaking news stories, thereby drawing millions of visitors per day.


    We started this important story "in media res" as the ancients used to say, "in the middle of things." Here's the background:

  • As an elected Representative in the Kansas state legislature during the 1990s, Phill Kline noticed at some point how many late term abortions were being performed in Kansas, where the law against doing such abortions is very stringent.
  • As his career developed, Kline was elected the 41st Attorney General in Kansas state history, and sworn in on January 13, 2004.
  • Since there had been mounting suspicion that child rapes were going unreported by the abortion industry, and that certain abortionists were illegally performing late term abortions on underage girls, Kline asked District Judge Richard Anderson to issue subpoenas for the medical records of 90 women and girls who had had abortions from clinics operated by George Tiller in Wichita and Planned Parenthood in Overland Park.
  • At this point, the vile pro-abortionists running the Kansas City Star and other Big Media, began their distortions, suppression of evidence, as well as their character assassination of Attorney General Phill Kline.
    (As stated above, this is the formula used over and over again when a good public official has put the train on the track to accomplish something right and good. This is where our side, the pro-lifers, usually fall down, because certain large pro-life organizations do NOT come to the aid of the pro-life point man who is really accomplishing something. This is why WE must act now on this project – there is a real chance to accomplish something!)

    Sign Petition, "Charge Tiller – It's the Law" by clicking here

    Incidentally, the Kansas City Star was given an award by Planned Parenthood for its pro-death editorial policies in trying to thwart Phill Kline's efforts to bring abortionist George Tiller to justice.

  • Next: In 2004, a Judge Anderson issued the subpoenas for Tiller to release the information on the 90 women and girls. The abortionists immediately asked the Kansas Supreme Court to intervene, which it did, expressing concerns for the privacy of the women involved in the abortions.
    A note on privacy here: Attorney General Kline, of course, never compromised the privacy of the women who had obtained abortions by Tiller and this is always the point of "mock outrage" dragged out by abortionists to divert the issue from their own treachery.
    (In the matter of patient privacy, it would be impossible to outdo the abortionists on the hypocrisy front: while never unwilling to trot out the "privacy" ruse to protect their unsavory practices, many abortionists themselves have the woman -- whose baby they are about to abort – sign AWAY her privacy rights in a document that gives the abortionists the right to release the woman's name ,address .phone number, and date of abortion to political fundraisers!)

    Sign Petition, "Charge Tiller – It's the Law" by clicking here

  • It was not until October, 2006 that the Kansas Supreme Court ordered that the medical records be turned over to the Attorney General Phill Kline after the names of the patients were first removed to protect their privacy.
  • In 2006, while all of this is building up, a Republican, Paul Morrison, turns Democrat, and runs against Phill Kline for Attorney General of Kansas. Abortionist Tiller, through PAC money, apparently pumps up to one million dollars into the Morrison effort by making massive mailings against Phill Kline. Tiller's mailers dub Phill Kline "Snoop dog", even though Tiller knows that Kline has meticulously protected the identity of the women whose records he had subpoenaed, every step of the way.
  • The massive blitz against Phill Kline in the mail, and the biased, distorted smear campaign coming from the Kansas City Star and other big local media in Kansas, ends in the published result on election night that Kline has lost to Morrison. (Unfortunately, while Kline was being savaged in the press by the abortion lobby, very little national attention was given to what was happening. Thankfully, Kansans for Life and Operation Rescue in Kansas, under the staunch leadership of Troy Newman did everything they could to help Kline and expose the truth.)
  • Morrison is then sworn in as the new Kansas Attorney General in January of 2006 positioning him to dismiss all charges against Tiller.
    Paul Morrison
    Current Kansas Attorney General, Paul Morrison, Bell-Hop for the Abortion Industry
  • However, after losing the Attorney General seat in the November '06 election something unexpected happened.  In a surprise move, on December 1, 2006 the precinct captains in Johnson County, Kansas fill Paul Morrison's vacancy of district attorney by electing Phill Kline. Morrison and Kline have now basically swapped jobs.  Witnesses that were present at the meeting of approximately 650 precinct captains say that the people from Planned Parenthood went bolistic at the moment they announced Kline's victory.  Why is this so significant?  Because the law allows the Prosecutor in Johnson County to continue the investigation into unreported child rape at Planned Parenthood which is located in Johnson County!!    If it is proven that Planned Parenthood is not complying with the reporting law, they could lose federal funding nationwide.
  • Keep in mind that the Tiller charges remain under the jurisdiction of now Attorney General Paul Morrison and/or District Attorney Nola Fouston because of the location of where George Tiller does the late term abortions.  That is why Phill Kline was able to charge him when he was Attorney General but has no control now that he is the prosecutor in Johnson County.
  • It was on February 14, 2007 that now Attorney General Morrison made good on his campaign promises to the abortion lobby and obtained a dismissal of the request for the re-instatement of charges against Tiller at the Kansas Supreme court  proving George Tiller to be above the law and the most powerful politician in the state of Kansas.

    Where Can We Go From Here?

    The above recounting of the history of this fight shows that the new Attorney General, Morrison, the Sedgewick County district attorney, Foulston, and perhaps some judges are virtually obstructing justice by trying to protect abortionist Tiller from the criminal charges filed against him by Phill Kline.
    We must demand that the new Attorney General Morrison, district attorney Foulston, and the public officials of Kansas do everything they can to protect unborn children from death by illegal late term abortions, and to protect young girls from child rape episodes by prosecuting abortion operations that do not report such cases which come to their attention.
    We must also ask the Kansas Legislature to get involved and exercise its full authority to oversee how Kansas will protect women and unborn children from illegal late term abortions.  It is time now to Charge Tiller - It's the LAW!
    To Attorney General Morrison, Nola Foulston, and the Kansas Legislature we ask:
    What part of "PROBABLE CAUSE" don't you understand?
    Sign petition now!  


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