This Time, the Church will Arise..Maybe

This Time, the Church will Arise..Maybe<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Caroline Lewis
ics.asp?id=155November 4, 2008 will either go down in history as the day the Church arose to save her values in the name of courage, or the day the Church surrendered her values in the name of fear.
Will the Church arise to defend the lives of the vulnerable in the womb?[1]
Will the Church arise to preserve the right to bear arms?[2]
Will the Church arise to uphold the rule of law?[3]
Will we vote to preserve this shining land of liberty or in fear wallow and claim "It was inevitable"? 
Our great nation was founded not by the shrugged shoulders of fearful cowards, but by the blood of God-fearing men of courage, valor, and honor.[4]  Men who took the virtues of truth embedded in their hearts and holding the torch of liberty ran with all their might so that we, the nation's sons and daughters might live in the peace of freedom.
Will we let their blood be shed in vain?  Will we allow the claimants of change to destroy our heritage, our national pride, our sovereignty, our hope, our free-market, our values, our definition of marriage, our right to defend ourselves, and our legal system while we stand idly by?
No!  We will not.  We will not surrender our country so easily.  We will arise and make our voices heard.  We will vote to secure our liberty, our sovereignty, our society, and our culture.  We will not relinquish our religious rights, our right to self-defense and our belief in the value of a free-market economy, to a man who seeks to destroy every noble thing upon which our country was founded.
This time, the people of God across this nation will stand for truth and righteousness.  This time, the faithful will rise.  This time the martyrs of liberty will not have died in vain.  For this time, the Church awakened from her slumber, grabbed her sword and shield and said,
"This time, we will not surrender!"
Yes.  This time, the Church will arise.
The musical inspiration for this article comes from O Church, Arise by Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend.  If you have a moment, listen to a portion of this wonderful song.

[1] Obama has stated that the first thing he intends to sign upon getting into office is The Freedom of Choice Act.  This bill which he co-sponsored (S. 1173) will negate all pro-life legislation, re-legalize partial-birth abortion, and utilize tax-payer funding for any woman seeking an abortion.

[2] Obama has consistently opposed right to carry laws, endorsed gun bans and voted in favor to raise taxes on ammunition.  He made his most telling statement at the 2008 primary debate in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Philadelphia: "…just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right…"

[3] As President, Obama would have the authority to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.  His judicial preferences would be those who do not hold to a strict view of the Constitution, but those who view it as a living document, able to be manipulated to serve their own political agenda.  Such judicial activism deteriorates the rule of law and reduces our courts to mere "show trials" pitting Judeo-Christian values against the reigning tyranny of political correctness.

[4] See for more information and resources about America's richly Christian history and heritage.


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