Urgent: Will America Stand Now or Fall Forever?

Urgent: Will America Stand Now or Fall Forever?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
How long will <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America sit by and be dragged along by the media? How long will Christians sit by and watch their country slip into the hands of the most God hating, baby murdering, marriage redefining, history revising leaders this nation has ever seen? November 2, 2008 will not only be a day that will live in infamy it will also be a day that America turned full face towards its destruction if a liberal candidate is elected president of the United States of America. In last night's debate and in every stump speech given by either Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton the same message is spewed. They both have declared their undying allegiance to the cause of continuing the murders of thousands of babies each day at the hands of abortionists as well as a declaration to the homosexual community that they will have every right to engage in any and all debaucheries they desire and have the full support and protection of the United States government. They will surely see to it that a hate crimes; thought crimes bill is passed and signed into law. That will make it a criminal offense for a believer in Jesus Christ to speak the words of sacred Scripture. In short, if a Democrat is elected president in 2008 America will sign the sentence of persecution for every true Christian in this country.
            Again, I return to the opening question. How long will America be dragged around and told what to do and when to do it by the media? I am a Christian and a lover of Jesus Christ and the Bible. I am a registered Republican because I believe the Republican cause has in the past aligned itself with the beliefs and convictions of Christians. I believe that in the last several years this has changed due to the obvious character that the politicians in the Republican Party have shown. Since, 2000 the vast majority of Republican representatives and senators have hidden like whipped dogs vacillating between every issue and not standing for anything. The corruption that has risen to the surface is a display of the wickedness that has been allowed to percolate in the party as the morals of this nation have rapidly fallen. There is no place for God in public policy any longer and now even Republican leaders are shrinking back from being associated with Christians. Why is this? For political expediency, they have no character and are concerned only for themselves and their crooked agendas. Run and hide has been the mantra of the Party since 2005. A sad display but no real surprise because very few of our elected leaders are followers of Jesus Christ.
            Concerning the Republican presidential race I am quite dismayed and frustrated. Of the three remaining candidates the only one who stands unashamedly and with great resolve on every issue is Mike Huckabee. I will discuss his credentials shortly. Mitt Romney has proven himself to be a person who takes up any cause when it is expedient including but not limited to the subject of abortion. He will stop at nothing to discredit any fellow candidate with vicious attack ads filled with lies designed to discredit his fellow competitors. I am utterly ashamed of any Christian who would support Mitt Romney for president. Besides the lies and deception, he is a worshipper of a false Christ. While I am aware that the Constitution states that religion shall not be a litmus test on whether a person can run for a political office, I believe with all my heart that a Christian must first and foremost vote the values of the Scriptures. Namely, God's love for Life (ALL THE TIME, not in an election year) and His unchanging stance on the institution of marriage. John McCain although he has been a pro-life voter has proven himself to be uncommitted to the cause of Christ. He is a loose cannon whom I believe can and will compromise values for the sake of "working with those on the other side of the aisle." His claim to fame is his history as a veteran. Although I thank him for his great service it is not enough to be the president. Also, his time and Washington has proven that he is simply on par with the status quo that must change.
            The candidate whom I support with pride is Mike Huckabee. He is a proven leader who has stood on the right side of every issue he has ever faced. In regards to leadership he has successfully ran a state government for 10 ½ years and is the only candidate to do so. There is no preparation for the presidency like governing a state and Mike Huckabee stands head and shoulders above all the candidates in both effectiveness and quality. Huckabee has been viciously attacked by both the media and his fellow candidates and has without exception answered every accusation with brilliance and honesty. In every debate to date, he has shown himself to be the leader of leaders among the candidates even though he has been slighted in every debate with regards to question and answer opportunities. The media, specifically Fox News has slandered and lied about Mike Huckabee since his surge to the top taking it upon themselves to declare Mitt Romney as their unspoken candidate. I cannot count the times that the media has declared the Huckabee candidacy "dead' and has now sought to "finish him off" by showing their hatred and animosity for him by not covering any of his campaign. Every article and comment with the exception of a very few has been negative and demeaning. Why is this? I believe that it is because Mike Huckabee stands for something that all real Americans long for and hope for. He is a man of honesty and character who is not afraid to stand up for himself and for his cause. He is man who like Jesus, is concerned not only for the elite but has great compassion for those hard working Americans who struggle everyday to make ends meet. He is not a multi-billionaire who boasts of his ability to attempt to "buy" an election. Conversely, he has proven that with great ideas and support anyone can rise up and take a stand for truth and for the foundational truths upon which our country was built. Above all, Mike Huckabee is a person who is guided by the Holy Bible. Many would say that he doesn't have specific leadership qualities for the variety of issues a president must face, although I disagree and believe there is an abundance of evidence to show Mike's tremendous leadership abilities to face anything he is faced with, I stand upon the principle that when face with any issue Mike Huckabee will first and foremost go to his knees and inquire of the Most High God the widsom that God promises to give to His children that ask  (James 1:5). With every other candidate comes the assurance that they might have specific qualities that might help them in certain circumstances yet they will most assuredly make any decision without first consulting our Lord for His direction.
            Again, I know that religion is not a litmus test for political office but I ask you a question. How can any believer in Jesus Christ proceed to endorse or vote for a candidate who shuns our Lord and His commandments (Life and Marriage).
            In closing I would ask that any person reading this message would take a moment and seek the Lord on whom He would have you vote to lead the United States. Please consider the issues of the Sanctity of Life and the value of Marriage. Mike Huckabee is the consistent pro-life, pro family candidate with a heart for the Lord. The 2008 election will produce a president who will have to appoint new justices to the Supreme Court and will prayerfully be the president who see the overturning of Roe v Wade. Christians across this land need to stand up and declare to the media and to those around them that they will stand on the side of God's Word. Please take a stand against the bias of the media. Mike Huckabee's only hope is that the grassroots effort in this nation will rise up and think for themselves. Refuse to settle for whom the media tells us has the only chance to beat the Democrats. Vote your values and your heart. Finally, email, call and write the media outlets and let them know how you feel.
America Bless God and go Huckabee!
Christopher Johnson


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