WAS CHRIST'S BIRTH A BIG DEAL?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:15 (KJV)
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.  Isaiah 7:14 (KJV)
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.  Matthew 1:21 (KJV)
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)
I believe that there are at least three fundamental purposes for Scripture.  They teach us how to live through the principles taught in the New Testament.  They reveal how those principles proved to either be beneficial or stumbling blocks in the lives of God's people, as revealed in the Old Testament.  Finally, they tell us about the future and set up the basis for authenticating and validating the truthfulness and reliability of God's Word through the prophecies that have been fulfilled, as reported in both testaments. 
Three arguments will be presented as to whether the current proliferation and boldness of atheistic proclamations and legal challenges to the presence of Christianity in the United States reveal that the birth of Jesus Christ has been erroneously overstressed and therefore should not be given the relevance today's Christians honor.  Because so many Christians have chosen to not be involved in the preservation of God's creation, the world, we have seen too many biblical values and teachings fall by the wayside.  Is the celebration of Christ's birth one of those traditions that have fallen by the wayside, because we want to keep things simple?  At Christmas we should look at a bigger picture than just the age-old story about a special birth in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Bethlehem.  The topic will be evaluated by considering the Biblical significance, the worldwide social consequences and finally the world's response.  The first argument contains the traditional biblical Christmas story while the latter two arguments discuss the consequences of Christ's birth.

The Old Testament is 'framed' by prophecies about the coming of a person whose presence will provide a means for bruising the head of that serpent, who is at the core of man's sinfulness (Genesis 3:15) and the fact that the entry of the Conqueror will be preceded by a forerunner, John the Baptist. (Malachi 3:1)  The former prophecy was recorded some four thousand years before the birth of Christ.  The latter prophecy was put forth about four hundred years before John the Baptist's arrival.  In between these two prophecies there are numerous other prophecies.  Some references suggest that there might be as many as several hundred and others are much more conservative about those numbers.  However, there does seem to be great consensus on some fifty-two prophecies, where it is believed that the writers had some knowledge of the relevance of their writings.  The knowledge of the writers is questioned about many of those prophecies that lack such consensus.  The fifty-two 'major' prophecies are contained in at least eleven Old Testament books: Genesis, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea, Micah Zechariah and Malachi.
The subjects of the Old Testament prophecies proclaim forthcoming events associated with Christ's, ancestry, birth, ministry and death. The inclusion of these prophecies in the Old Testament, with such long-term forecasts, places an extremely heavy risk upon the true Author of all Scripture, because the Author's credibility will be damaged, if not destroyed, if all of the prophecies are not proven to be true.  However, if the Author can accurately and infallibly make and prove such prophetic projections one must ultimately accept the authority and claims of that Author.  Some have tried to calculate the mathematical odds for such a series of prophecies being fulfilled.  I would suggest that whatever number results from such a calculation has no bearing on the true statistical odds because of the long intervening time periods between each prophecy and the occurrence of the actual event.  The true odds are just as indefinable as is the God of the written Word. 
Not only is the celebration of Christmas an acknowledgement of the fulfillment of prophecy about Christ, there is almost a one for one correlation between each of the prophecies and the biblical documentation of the actual fulfillment.  The New Testament confirmed Christ's ancestry as it was prophesied that He would be a descendent of the seed of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, the family of Jesse and heir to the throne of David.  These prophecies were confirmed by such things as the lineage accounts in chapters one of Matthew and three of Luke.  The traditional birth stories in Matthew and Luke confirm the prophecies concerning the location of Christ's birth to a virgin, the star in the east, the presence of the shepherds, the Magi's presentation of gifts and His family's flight into Egypt.  Too often the Christmas storyteller neglects to take full account of the fact that one of God's providential decrees insured that Christ would be born in Bethlehem.  To satisfy the need for more revenue, Caesar Augustus had sent forth a decree that all Roman provinces would be required to raise a given sum of taxes.  Christ's family had to travel to Bethlehem in compliance with the taxation census.  The irony of that part of the story is that Caesar probably did not even know that the small town of Bethlehem existed, yet he was a principle player in the underlying theme of the story.  Other references in the New Testament confirmed His title of Lord, Son of God, that a forerunner preceded him, and that He was a priest after the order of Melchizedek.  Later references, in all of the Gospels, tell of His triumphal Jerusalem entry, His betrayal by a false witness for thirty pieces of silver, that He was hated without reason, was silent when faced by His accusations, was crucified with transgressors, His hands were pierced, He was given vinegar and gall, He prayed for His enemies, that soldiers gambled for His coat, that none of His bones would be broken, that His side was pierced, that He was buried with the rich and that He rose from the dead and ascended to the right hand of God. 
Any theories that attack the authenticity of His ancestry, birth, ministry or death have to prove the absolute infallibility of Scripture – a task that has never been successful.  With such a massive amount of documentation, one would have to conclude that either God, the author, is an excellent prognosticator, has absolute providential control over all future events or He is capable of both. 
We must conclude, based upon Scriptural evidence, that Christ came as the Son of God and that He provided a means by which we could be justified before God.  Scripture testifies that He came as the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world for the once and forever sacrifice for our sins.  Matthew says that He shall save His people from their sins.  It also tells us that: "Herein is Love, not that we loved God but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation (atonement) for our sins." (1 John 4:10).  Further, we only have the Gospel because of Christ's incarnation and ministry.  Christ would not have been crucified on the cross, buried and raised to leave an empty tomb, to prove that He lives, as an atonement for our sins if there had been no manger.    Additionally, "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."  Luke 19:10.
Christ's birth proved God's love and provided us with that which we needed the most.  If we had needed:

  • Food He would have sent us an agronomist
  • Housing He would have sent us a contractor
  • Medical care he would have sent us a doctor

But, we needed to have a means to restore our fellowship with a holy and righteous God so He sent us a Redeemer who would provide us with salvation by being the propitiation for our sins.
So, from a historical perspective Christ's birth was a big deal, because:

  • It confirmed the authenticity of the Old Testament and provided the basis for a credible New Testament and Gospel message.
  • There has never been any other means by which man can have fellowship with God.


There were very dramatic differences between the cultures, which existed before Christ's birth, and the cultures that existed after His death.  As a consequence of His earthly ministry, He personified the Gospel message and gave meaning to the word Emmanuel, which means 'God with us'.  Because of the initiatives that He instituted through His network of disciples the Christian church came into being and became the means by which the entire world has been transformed.  Even those regions where Christianity is not the dominant religion have felt some measure of the impact of Christ's teachings through such things as; emergency disaster relief, treatments for natural diseases and Aids, humanitarian support, establishment of mission stations and medical services, and the generosity of financial assistance.  In some cases, the people given assistance accepted the support and rejected the underlying motivation without the realization that they had been blessed as a result of Christ's teachings but many other people developed a thirst for the love that was bestowed upon them.
Some of the most immediate cultural changes that took place after Christ's birth were:
·        Christ's followers were no longer slaves under the Law but became servants under the new law.
·        The Levitical law was no longer their master and they were free to honor God by their love.
·        No longer was circumcision of the flesh a necessary ceremonial rite.
·        The Sermon on the Mount became a new standard for relationships.
·        The Gospel message was to be taken to all nations and tribes.
·        All people, regardless of status, sex, race or bondage were one in His name.
Christ's very life-style and ministry was an enigma to those who held esteemed positions  in both the political and religious power structures.  Here was a man who had been born into a lower-class family, in the poorest of housing, yet was honored by a shining star, wandering shepherds and Magi who had been told of His special birth.  He had no formal education or wealth, yet was always able to sinlessly respond to the most difficult of questions, rebuke the most attractive offers for self-ingratiating propositions, provide timeless wisdom to those seeking answers to life's problems, challenge the most esteemed Rabbis of His day, and mentor a core group of apostles who would fulfill His will to build His church.  His ministry started at the age of thirty and only lasted three years.  He received no remuneration, exposed the Roman ruthlessness amongst the occupied people, championed the underdog, was subjected to Jewish hatred and politics, and was despised by the most religious people of His day.  He healed hundreds of people, raised others who had died, turned water into wine and received a hero's welcome into Jerusalem by countless people who did not know who He was.  Within a week, He was betrayed by one of His closest followers, was brought before a tribunal who could not find a chargeable crime against Him and was executed as a criminal. 
But, since His death, millions have come to believe in and worship Him.  Without the use of military power, He has changed the world by changing the hearts of men, who became a 'new' creation.  Drunkards of the lowest estate have been reborn to become model citizens and leaders of their families and missions to help others.  Wealthy men of high-estate have had their cruel and tight-fisted hearts cleansed and then dedicated their wealth to ease the suffering of those who knew no comfort or hope.  Men of faith, such as William Wilberforce, entered politics with the goal of bringing an end to human slavery in their nations. The calendars of the world are based upon His birth and even our own human birth date is related to the date of His birth. People still seek Him and in trust and faith call upon Him to heal their broken and diseased bodies, to restore their marriages and to provide a protective watch over their families and loved ones.  His love and healing has always been free to all who come to Him and no one has been rejected because their life was full of the dastardliest sin.     .
As a result of His teachings and the spread of His church, new nations have been raised up with new found freedoms and equality for all citizens.  The core principles that were incorporated into the founding of the United States of America were based upon the belief that all men are created equal and that our freedoms and liberties are derived from our Creator and not the government.  It has been said that the true American Revolution was not fought with guns but was in the hearts of the colonists as a result of the First Great Awakening, which swept the nation and laid the moral foundation for the cause of bringing about a new republic.  This new experiment in self-government gave rise to the first elected officials in a democratic republic and gave to the citizens the first opportunity to enjoy full private property rights.  Within this republic, the first one hundred and four out of one hundred and thirteen institutions of higher learning were dedicated to the education and preparation of men to preach the Gospel throughout the new nation.  The citizens were encouraged to prolong the well-being of the new nation by only selecting other Christians as their elected officials.  The nation enjoyed the world's most equitable and just judicial system as it was governed by the belief in a transcendent truth that not only was the system to judge the accused citizens but that the judges themselves would be judged by a higher being.  Another Great Awakening in the eighteen hundreds brought forth movements aimed at the right for women to vote and the removal of slavery from our shores. Two examples of the writings and oratory of the founding fathers belief in divine providence are:

  • "It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favors."

–George Washington, Thanksgiving Proclamation, 3 October 1789

  • "Liberty must at all hazards be supported.  We have a right to it, derived from our Maker.  But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood."

- John Adams
Paul and many of the early Christians limited their concern to the condition of the church and its ministry and consequently had little involvement in the world or its politics.  However, as Christian principles have reshaped the world's cultures, some biblical leaders realize that all of God's creation is to come under their purview, as He charged in Genesis 1:28; "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."  Therefore, they are also addressing the social and political realms because that has much impact on the basis for the equality, human dignity, well-being and protection of the world and its people, all a part of God's creation, as they strive to further the establishment of Christian values. 
Contemporary history has shown that those, throughout the world, who are Christ's followers show the most personal compassion to their fellow beings and are the most willing to come to their assistance.  Numerous recent articles and studies have shown that those of faith provide greater assistance, through all methods, to their fellow man than do those without faith.  Also, even though those who are identified as being liberal or left, or what has come to be known as the blue political structure, may speak more about compassion than do their counterparts, known as conservatives the right or the red, they have less personal compassion.  But, the solution the liberal seeks to provide is through the use of resources that the government has taken from others and not their own, which is quite the converse of that espoused by the conservative.  A sampling of such declarations follows:

  • Roy Hattersley, an atheist writer for the London Guardian said the following in a 12 September 2005 op-ed article, about post-Katrina volunteerism and financial support, entitled, "Faith Does Breed Charity – We Atheists Have To Accept That Most Believers Are Better Human Beings."  (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2005/sep/12/religion.uk,) … "The Salvation Army has been given a special status as provider-in-chief of American disaster relief. But its work is being augmented by all sorts of other groups. Almost all of them have a religious origin and character.  Notable by their absence are teams from rationalist societies, free thinkers' clubs and atheists' associations - the sort of people who not only scoff at religion's intellectual absurdity but also regard it as a positive force for evil… The only possible conclusion is that faith comes with a packet of moral imperatives that, while they do not condition the attitude of all believers, influence enough of them to make them morally superior to atheists like me. The truth may make us free. But it has not made us as admirable as the average captain in the Salvation Army."
  • On 20 December 2008 The New York Times published an editorial by Nicholas D. Kristof, entitled, "Bleeding Heart Tightwads"  ( http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/21/opinion/21kristof.html) in which he made the following observations: "This holiday season is a time to examine who's been naughty and who's been nice, but I'm unhappy with my findings. The problem is this: We liberals are personally stingy.  Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates… It's true that religion is the essential reason conservatives give more, and religious liberals are as generous as religious conservatives. Among the stingiest of the stingy are secular conservatives… Conservatives also appear to be more generous than liberals in nonfinancial ways. People in red states are considerably more likely to volunteer for good causes, and conservatives give blood more often. If liberals and moderates gave blood as often as conservatives, Mr. Brooks said, the American blood supply would increase by 45 percent…"

While the foregoing was not an exhaustive analysis, it parallels other similar writings, such as Arthur Brooks book on donors to charity, "Who Really Cares," and the "generosity index" from the Catalogue for Philanthropy, which cite the same trends.  The underlying basis for the differences in giving patterns appears to be based upon the individual's faith and not their politics or political leaning. 
The impact upon the world continues through the unbridled power of the Gospel, which exceeds that of even the greatest armies.  Nations and regions such as India, China and Africa are reporting large numbers of converts to Christianity, thanks to the faithful service of missionaries and mission volunteers.  Even more exciting phenomenon's are the many reports on the internet about Muslims being converted to Christianity, a true solution to the ideological battle being waged throughout the western world.  The following examples can be found by 'Googling' Muslims converting to Christianity:

  • Two million Muslims converted in Russia
  • Two hundred thousand UK Muslims left Islam
  • Fifty thousand Muslim teenage Murtads converted in Malaysia
  • Thousands of Kashmiri Muslims leave Islam
  • In every hour, six hundred and sixty seven Muslims convert to Christianity in Africa.  That is sixteen thousand every day and nearly six million every year.
  • Ten thousand French Muslims convert to Christianity.
  • Some thirty-five thousand Turks converted from Islam to Christianity last year.

So, yes Christ's birth has been a big deal in shaping the world that we live in.

The third argument is probably the easiest and most obvious to make.  Even though there is a growing and boisterous atheistic movement in the United States and the American Civil Liberties Union is waging an unrelenting war against Christian freedoms and liberties, the world is not at war with the holiday, recently known as Christmas, which is an outgrowth of Christ's birth.  As long as the Christmas identifiers are cloaked, or removed from sight, the aggressors seem to be content to allow the celebration to rage on.  They know that to try and stop that would bring down the wrath of a more unholy population that would not want to surrender the year's most active season.  No celebratory holiday on earth receives as much attention, activity or knows greater financial expenditures than does Christmas, the honoring of Christ's birth.
During the time period, now known as the holidays, the retail merchandisers will seek to boost their sales record to the point that they will be able to show a profit for the year, the postal services will experience their heaviest mail season, television programming will be changed to accommodate both the showing of themed shows and an abundance of advertisements promoting special sales, and numerous businesses that are dedicated to providing preparations and celebrations for the season will prosper.  More people will attend religious services during the Christmas and Easter time period than any other time of the year.  Most people who have a family association with Christianity prefer some form of a religious burial service.  Literally billions of people around the world will set aside time to arrange special decorations for their homes, businesses and communities.  The holiday season will bring forth the worst of traffic jams from Chicago to San Francisco to London and around the world. 
The entire world is turned upside down because of Christ's birth, even though it does not always want to confess to the source and reason for the increased activity.  In a sense, Christ is receiving the recognition and as a result countless millions of people will not be able to go before God and say that we never heard of You.  Oh, but they did, even if it was in a vulgar situation.  There is no neutrality with Christ and He told His disciples in Mark 9:40; "For he that is not against us is on our part."   There is no doubt that this could be a stretch on His meaning, but the point is that any witness about Christ will be scored against the person receiving the information.  In Philippians 1:15-18 Paul suggests that he would rejoice, no matter how Christ was preached: "Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds:  But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.  What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice."  Probably, most strict Biblicists would have nothing to do with this application, but if God chooses to allow the continuation of a holiday season that has its roots in Christmas, which has been sustained over the centuries as a Christian observance of the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ, then it is not unrealistic to suggest that God will use even this means to reach people for either conversion or condemnation for their knowledgeable rejection of His Son.
So, the world knows that Christ's birth is a big deal and while there are millions who are following Him there are also millions who are valiantly trying to hide their shameful lives from His all-knowing countenance.  His birth is at least the greatest event since creation, even greater than Adam's sin in the garden as He has defeated death and conquered sin.


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