What is Black Liberation Theology?

What is Black Liberation Theology? According to this interpretation of the Scripture, "Black [liberation] theology cannot accept a view of God which does not represent God as being for oppressed blacks and thus against white oppressors. Living in a world of white oppressors, blacks have no time for a neutral God. The brutalities are too great and the pain too severe, and this means we must know where God is and what God is doing in the revolution. There is no use for a God who loves white oppressors the same as oppressed blacks. We have had too much white love, the love that tells blacks to turn the other cheek and go the second mile. What we need is the living love as expressed in black power, which is the power of blacks to destroy their oppressors, here and now, by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject God's love." ('A Black Theology of Liberation,' pp. 70). James H. Cone – the theologian who inspired Reverend Jeremiah Wright who baptized Barack Obama in his Trinity United Church of Christ. " And now, of course, that is precisely Senator Barack Obama's takfir. A tactic used by those who would wield power, raw naked power over us!     I have previously described the 'Hobson's Choice' we have in the coming presidential election and have observed a general consensus among both independent voters and even many in the polling industry who find that many are undecided and have a certain 'malaise' expressed as 'can't we just start over with a new slate of candidates?' It is clear, that the voters do not have nearly enough background information on the two presumptive candidates to make an informed choice come November 2008. And the mass media, as well as the political spinmiesters on each side will not provide this information.     In this regard, I have conducted extensive research on those who influenced Hillary Clinton's worldview early in her formative years and described it in terms of the Arab concept of takfir. This material is presented at the hyperlink, Hillary's Takfir on my website. I have also conducted similar research on those who influenced Barack Obama's worldview ­ during his 20s as a 'street organizer' and during the late1980s and early 1990s as he became a member of the Christian faith under the Reverend Jeremiah Wright in the Trinity Union Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois. It turns out that both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have a common point of reference ­ and the same revolutionary as an intellectual 'mentor' ­ Paul Tillich.     The story of this common revolutionary theme is fascinating and very disturbing. It is described at the hyperlink Barack Obama's Takfir on my website. I defined the Arab concept of takfir, where it was conceived (early in the Islamic caliphate (Saudi Arabia), where it gained strength in its modern form (Egypt), and described how it had become a tactic in al-Qaeda's quest for world power (the global Salafist Islamic jihad). I described a striking similarity in the means by which two of the six 'actors' that have been addressed on my website -- Hillary Rodham Clinton and Ayman al-Zawahiri -- have defined and used the concept of takfir as a tactic on their road to gaining power, raw naked power in their respective domains. Whereas this tactic is defined in the rise of al-Qaeda and its origins, it is also apparent in the tactic used by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her rise to a position of power in American politics. The only difference in the two tactics is the domains in which they are used. With Zawahiri it was used as a means of eradicating Muslims who were considered to be blocking the rise to power of al-Jihad, an Egyptian precursor to al-Qaeda and its global Salafist Islamic jihad. With Hillary it was developed and used against anyone who would appear to be a threat to her lifelong dream to grasp the reins of power in American politics.    There is also a strong strain of takfir in Barack Hussein Obama's background – nearly hidden to the public – as he suddenly rose to a position of power in the Democrat Party when he surprisingly won the party's nomination for the presidency in the 2008 election cycle. Whereas Ayman al-Zawahiri, the number two man in al-Qaeda, drifted toward takfir in his role as the primary advisor to Osama bin Laden – inspired by the martyr, Sayyid Qutb -- Hillary Clinton found her connection to a version of such a tactic in the Reverend Donald Jones, her youth minister in the United Methodist Church. And Reverend Jones was an acolyte of Paul Tillich – the existentialist guru who invented Systematic Theology while at the ecumenical Union Theological Seminary in New York City (1933-1955). By this connection, Hillary Rodham Clinton became the radical feminist (actually cultural-Marxist) icon of The Looming American Matriarchy – thanks to her 'Qutb,' Paul Tillich.     So now, we suddenly find that Barack Obama (the middle name, Hussein, becomes irrelevant in the context of what is to follow) has a direct connection to the very same guru, Paul Tillich, via the intermediary James H. Cone – the father of the modern day Black Liberation Theology – at the very same Union Theological Seminary in New York City. What the Reverend Donald Jones did for Hillary (as the intermediary to Tillich) during her youth (1960s-1970s), James H. Cone (the intermediary to Tillich) did for Barack Obama during his young adulthood (1980s). And both Don Jones and James Cone owe their worldview – passed on to their protégés – to Paul Tillich. And Black Liberation Theology is every bit as dangerous to American culture, indeed American civilization (via a disintegration from within due to Hillary's cultural-Marxism), as any threat posed to America by the global Salafist Islamic jihad.     Read the results of my research at the hyperlink, Barack Obama's Takfir. You just might learn some history and you should be alarmed! For those of you who have followed my trail of using the 'cycles' of American history to make some sense of the headlines you read in our nation's newsmedia, the sound bites in TV programming, and the mush from the politicians, there is 'motive' here in describing what is going on in a time frame that provides perspective and meaning. When one observes events in terms of our past ­ not just yesterday's news ­ we can make sound judgments leading to action that can and will save our constitutional republic from those who would exercise power over us. Stay tuned!


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