When the people's will means nothing

When the people's will means nothing

By Craig R. Smith

I recently met with a dear friend of mine who is moving to our great country from South Africa. He was filled with excitement about his move and the potential to live the American dream. He wanted his new neighbors to know how lucky they are to be Americans, how America is still the greatest nation on earth and how much the world depends on us remaining great.
So it was rather disturbing when I had to share with him the raw truth of the American people being held hostage by one branch of the federal government. His face was filled with amazement, rage and disappointment.
His first passion in America was prayer in schools. He, being a great man of faith, wishes to start a movement to bring prayer back to our schools. He believes he could get 70 percent to 80 percent of Americans to use their votes to bring it back.
I had to explain that even if 80 percent of the people voted to bring prayer back, it would only take one person to file a lawsuit on some warped interpretation of the First Amendment. That person would simply claim that prayer in school is unconstitutional, and he or she could keep it from happening.
I told him this, in fact, happened in 1963 when one woman, Madeline Murray O'Hare, effectively removed prayer from our schools following a landmark Supreme Court decision in Murray versus Curlett.
He was astounded.
The discussion became more depressing as we continued.

We spoke about how easily a liberal judge was able to overturn the will of Californians in Proposition 187, which originally overwhelmingly passed. The people supported the "Save our State" law to create a citizen screening process in which illegal aliens would be prohibited from using health care, public schools and other social services that were bankrupting the state.
Five years after the proposition passed, a federal court judge found the proposition unconstitutional and Gov. Gray Davis was forced to abandon the law.
I continued to cite case after case in which the will of people meant nothing if a federal or state court judge intervened.
Suffice to say my friend left a bit less optimistic than when he arrived. But this is the reality we as Americans face each day. Regardless of what the people want it is more important what the judges want.
This weekend our discussion again came to mind when I watched a judge in Wisconsin block Gov. Walker's move to limit the power of the state workers' unions in an attempt to balance the budget. Once again, the Legislature did its work, and one liberal judge from the most liberal county in the state blocked the law from being enforced.
I just wonder how long the people will allow judges to disregard our desires for our country before we get so discouraged we stop voting – or worse. A people can only be pushed and ignored so long before they snap.
It amazes me how quickly we look at tyrants like Gadhafi, Mubarak and Ahmadinejad and condemn their actions – yet we have our very own group of tyrants who are limitless in power and nearly impossible to stop. They're tyrants in black robes with a distorted sense of both justice and our Constitution. Our judges make these other tyrants look like amateurs.
But what can we do?
Every election, my ballot in Arizona has dozens of judges to vote on. I will now research each one before I vote for them. I will look closely at any elected official with the power to appoint judges –especially the president of the United States. He or she has the power to appoint Supreme Court justices who have supreme power – the supreme power of being able to overturn the will of the people.
I wonder just how free we as a people can be as long as our educating institutions continue to produce liberal, brainwashed students who go on to be judges, lawmakers and lawyers. The current batch appears more like socialist tyrants from Europe than free people of the greatest nation on earth.
If we are to remain great, and the world needs us to remain great, then we must get control of our judiciaries. If not, both America and the world at large have a real challenge ahead.
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