Which Way the Wind Blows With Obama

Which Way the Wind Blows With ObamaBy Thomas E. BrewtonThe words of Bob Dylan's song, "You don't need a weatherman to tell  you which way the wind is blowing," gave the Weatherman Underground  its name.Weatherman Underground members were activists in the Soviet  revolutionary sense, aiming to destroy the political and social  framework of the United States.  Senator Obama, closely allied with   the leaders of Weatherman Underground, has worked throughout his  career to further Weatherman's anti-capitalist and anti-American agenda.He proposes to raise our taxes back to the confiscatory levels of  earlier Democrat/Socialist administrations.  He proposes to expand  the welfare-state, aiming to make us all equally poor, in conformity  with the social justice paradigm of equally distributed income  without regard to productive work or merit.Key members of his campaign staff are Weatherman alumni or  supporters.  Senator Obama was a member for 20 plus years of Rev.  Wright's church, where the reverend repeatedly damned the United  States and its white citizens.His first job out of law school was working with a radical, left-wing  group under Saul Alinsky, whose tactics aimed to undermine the  existing governmental and social framework in order to institute  socialism.  Mr. Alinsky, by the way, also was viewed favorably by  Senator Hillary Clinton when she was emerging from Wellesley College  in 1969.Can we doubt which way the wind will propel Senator should disaster  befall us with his accession to the presidency?For more details about Senator Obama's early career and Weatherman  associations, read Mary Grabar's article.( http://www.townhall.com/columnists/MaryGrabar/2008/06/22/ )Senator Obama's defenders will tell us that reporting the truth is  tarring the Senator with guilt by association.  They will say that he  was only seven years old when his friends and political supporters  Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were running Weatherman, so that there  can be no connection between Weatherman and Senator Obama.That is arrant nonsense.Vladimir Lenin was born 22 years after Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels  wrote the Communist Manifesto But no one will dispute that  Lenin was hugely influenced by Marxian socialism.Senator Obama is not only much closer in age to the Weatherman period  than was Lenin to Marx, but Obama's Karl Marx is still living and  working directly with him.Thomas E. Brewton is a staff writer for the New Media Alliance, Inc.  The New Media Alliance is a non-profit (501c3) national coalition of  writers, journalists and grass-roots media outlets.His weblog is THE VIEW FROM 1776http://www.thomasbrewton.com/Email comments to [email protected]


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