Why Are Huck's Folks: "Followers For LIFE!"

Why Are Huck's Folks:  
         "Followers For LIFE!"

To:  (Public Distribution)
From:  Dick Bott, Sr.
Subject:  Who Are They?  /  Why Do They Follow?
Even with Gary Bauer's (2nd) defection and puzzling endorsement, "All The King's Horses & All The King's Men" are having trouble putting John McCain over the line and into the Winner's Circle.    
But why are they having trouble launching John?  It's 'Huck' that's why.
Now, what is it about Huckabee that causes people to remain loyal to him? Gary Bauer and the Romney supporters have said to stay away from that Huckabee guy.  So what is it they see in him -- that neither Mitt Romney nor John McCain have?
The answer to that is simple: 
A solid, secure, unbroken, unquestioned pro-Life / pro-Marriage record that can't be ignored! 
They don't care about the 'other issues' if they are required to compromise the Life & Marriage issue.  They know who they are -- and they are sticking with it.
Huckabee's Folks are from America's rapidly growing pro-LIFE & pro-Marriage movement that is forming like a grass fire in support of Life & Tradional Marriage without compromise.  And to them, nothing is as important as that.
They are People of Principle, not Politics!   
They know that neither Mitt Romney nor John McCain are their Candidate.  Both have miserable past records that can't be and shouldn't be ignored.  And while Gary Bauer and a few others are trying to sell them 'Cotton Candy', grass-roots pro-life "Folks for Huck" are not buying.  They will follow their truly pro-Life / pro-Marriage candidate as far as he will take them.
To further explain who these people are: The media is in error by referring to them simply as Evangelicals.  They talk about "Huckabee's evangelical base" as though people from other Churches don't care about unborn children in the womb.  The news-media do not recognize that "Folks for Huck" are also just as much from the Catholic Church as they are from Evangelical churches.  The pro-life movement across America are People who simply care about LIFE in the womb and about the meaning of Traditional Marriage.  They are found everywhere and anywhere -- from every Church and every walk of life in America.  And their numbers are rapidly increasing.  And they are tough as nails.  They just don't bend.
They are Black & White, Young & Old, Rich & Poor, Catholic & Protestant, etc.  And yes, they are from 'Working Families'  just as much as any other.  You'd think Gary Bauer would know that, too. 
They may have followed Gary Bauer in the past, but they will not be mislead by Gary Bauer again, anywhere soon in the future.  Nor will they follow any other Leader who fails or falters at the moment of Truth!  They are people who know for themselves which Candidate is the ONE worthy of their trust.  And they know, if he's elected, John McCain will still be the same 'maverick' that John McCain has always been, regardless of how 'converted' he's made to look and sound at the moment.   
In conclusion: The Pro-life movement is not the same uncertain, poorly defined, helter-skelter, unstructured movement it was as recently as five or ten years ago.  With the Internet and other means of comunication, and with genuine well-focused leaders who "stay-the-course" regardless of how the battle looks at the moment, the pro-life people of today will not be moved away from 'their issue'.  Those who plan "political strategies" instead of staying with their principles are going to be the big losers in the end. 


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