Why Conservative Women LOVE Sarah!

Why Conservative Women LOVE Sarah!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
 As the news media is desperately trying to grasp the appeal of Sarah Palin, I am desperately trying to grasp why they HATE her! I need to say up front I am not voting for Sarah because she's a woman. Only a fool would vote for gender, race, or party with no regard for character. So let's lay that supposition to rest right off the bat. To understand my love and admiration for Sarah you would have to understand a little something about me.
I was raised in a Republican home by self-employed parents. We had our ups and downs. We had money, and we had none, but not once did my parents ever look to the government for help. What I learned from my parents was that being a Republican was not about the country club, or a life of privilege, it was about being strong and resourceful. It was about independence from government by way of utter and complete dependence on God and the strengths, talents, and opportunities He gave us. We saw our lives as an asset made available to others. In fact, the only thing I can remember agreeing with JFK on was to ask not what our country could do for us, but what we could do for our country. Sadly, his party would not recognize or support that position today.

And so it was when I married my husband, who had spent 12 years in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Alaska, that we merged those can-do attitudes into our family life. With my husband's support and encouragement, I had all four of my children at home. My husband and I built our 5,000 sq ft home virtually by ourselves. I homeschooled my children for years teaching them reading, writing, and how to be great at math! I know how to handle tools and handle a gun. I am an award winning Realtor, I'm a good cook, and I can bake a great cake too! In this economic downturn (for which we can thank the Democrats who have controlled the purse strings for the last four years...) I have been employed as a gardener, a painter, and I am about to start waitressing. I could sit on my butt and whine about the good ole' days and how I hate Bush and the Republicans for ruining my real estate career and making my life harder, but that's not what women like me do. We suck it up, dig deep, and do what needs doing! We're not ashamed of an honest living, no matter how humble it may seem.

We're the brand of women who survived the transatlantic voyage on slow ships only to land on hostile shores and learned to carve a life out of a wilderness. We're the women who held fast to our faith and our guns because we were determined not to be victims in need of someone else to save us. We're women who aren't threatened by other strong women of great courage and conviction, but we don't tolerate posers and self-promoters at all, (Hillary). We're women who embrace our place in this world as God ordained us to be. We're happy to submit to honorable men who have demonstrated that they would lay down their lives for us as Christ laid down His life for the church. We don't need or want to be the boss of anything or anyone but our own children. And God help the fool who ever tries to mess with our kids. We are mother bears and will go to bat for our families, and our communities, and our nation. We don't back up and we don't back down when righteousness and truth are on the line. We stand up and defend the weak and the helpless and nothing is weaker or more helpless than an unborn child. In loving life we love our own souls and the Maker of both.

We're women who like to look our best when we're all cleaned up, but our most important wardrobe is not purchased from the Gap, Talbots, or Ann Taylor. We dress ourselves in the beauty of holiness, kindness and generosity. We adorn ourselves with gentle humor and a quick genuine laugh that is as much about ourselves as anyone else. We wear the crown of our unashamed faith in Jesus Christ and when the world reminds us how much they hate us, we recall that Jesus warned us that the world would hate us, because it hated Him first.


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